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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Shocked Shopper

Shopper in Line : Before you atart ringing stuff up, I have a few rules. #1: scan my Fry's card BEFORE you ring stuff up. #2 use paper NOT plastic bags #3 put the ice cream in plastic bags before you put it in the paper bag. #4 Tell me the price of these candy canes before you ring them up because I only want the ones on sale.

(bagger arrives and drops a bag of potato chips in a PLASTIC bag)

Shopper in Line : I would like my stuff in paper bags except the ice cream which you can put in plastic and THEN paper. And you can leave those chips in that bag because then I will know which ones are already half crushed.

"Overheard" at: Fry's Express Lane

"Overheard" by: Shocked Shopper